Christopher Hoffarth - Abolishing Retributive Sentencing: A Rehabilitative Alternative for System Beyond Repair
Rebecca Soriano - God the Mother and the Feminine Christ: Representations of the Madonna and Jesus as Divine Maternal Nurturers in Medieval and Renaissance Art
3rd place awards
Isaiah Gonsalves - Expressing the Inner Self Image: The Emotional Range of Rembrandt, van Gogh, Picasso, and Condo’s Self-Portraits
Chiara Giraldo - Shifting Focus: Examining the Role of STEM Faculty Representation in Community College Student Success
Ana Maria Hernandez Socha - Changes In Neurotrophin and Receptor Dynamics as a Function of Adolescent Ethanol Exposure and Withdrawal
4th place awards
Christopher Hoffarth - From Votive to Verism: Engagement With the Viewer in the Eyes of Statues From Ancient Mesopotamia to The Late Roman Empire
committee's choice award
Kidane Malik, Heaven Murphy, Anderson Allen - Fearless Creation: Celebrating the Art of the Unheard
2022 Scholarship Winners
1st place awards
Rubin Ortiz, Kristofer Hendrickson, and Aleria Krokhmalyuk - My College Consultant: Breaking Down Admissions Barriers for High-Achieving Low Income Students
Alex Groff, Olivia Schaefer, Tyshawn Searight, Michael McMaster - ENR 259 Drone Presentation
Kay Wilkoff - Vehicle Design Advancement with Solidworks
Bronwyn Wallace - Type 2 Diabetes, Inadequate Sleep, and Structural Racism: A Needless Health Crisis for Black and Latino Communities in the South Bronx
Daniel Heberle - Individualizing the Objectified: Diego Velazquez's Dwarf and Jester Portraits of Phiip IV's Court
2nd place awards
Daniel Heberle - The Spaces and Surfaces of Street Art: The Perception of Graffiti in the Time of Banksy
Taylor DuHart - Generation of Models to STudy the Role of H4K20me1-interacting Proteins in Human Erythropoeisis
Leanna Smith - Genetic Databases in the Development of Criminal Investigation
Abigail Dingman - The Mental Health Gap Action Programme: Aiding the Untreated
Martina Silvestre Sales - Have We Forgotten of how to be Social Without Social Media?
Ryan Horan - Digitizing Museum Collections for Public Access
3rd place awards
Mariama Wiliams - The Reality of Race
Lucas Eberhardt - The Genetics of Happiness
Jules Moore - Madonna, Mother, Mama: A Cultural and Christological Examination of the Pieta in Christian Art
Mia Le and Rasa Barmak - Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
Baren Ritzenthaler - Urban Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach in the Fight Against Hunger
4th place awards
Elle Parrotta - Renaming MCC
2021 Scholarship Winners
1st Place Awards
Daniel Heberle—"Ave gratia plena Dominus tecum": The Progression of Perspective and Iconography in Italian Annunciation Painting from the Trecento to the Cinquecento
Melody Kohut, Abdul Latif, Ryan McVeigh, and Ricardo Ndoole—Modular Design Applied to Aerial and Terrestrial Robotic Systems
Ruben Ortiz—The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations: Black Male Students, Affluent Schools, and Downward Economic Mobility
Adrianna Robinson—Five Year Assessment of "Student Self-Tracking for Success in the Classroom"
2nd Place Awards
Maris Breaton—Juvenile Offenders and the U.S. Court System: Effects and One Possible Alternative
Anthony Burroughs—Optimizing Car Design Using SOLIDWORKS
Victoria Kremer—The Mind-Brain Identity Theory and Bats
Gillian Moore—Invisible Walls: Segregation in Monroe County
3rd Place Awards
Victoria Beach, Kelsi Biondolillo, Thomas Stearns, and Tanner Richardson—Mission: Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicle Navigation
Sherinne Cauwels, Heonmin Lee, Karen Lewis, Julia Babcock, and Ahilan Guruparan—Bridging the Digital Divide for Middle and High School Students: A Phi Theta Kappa Honors in Action Project
Daniel Heberle—Blood and Bayonets: The Third of May 1808 and Transforming the Romanticism of War
Sophia Jonasse—Rehabilitation and the Reduction of Prisons: Beginning the Re-Humanization Process
2020 Scholarship Winners
1st Place Awards
Justin Payne, Logan Hampton, and Ethan Hilbert—SUAS 2020 Competition
Devin Ward—Limiting Factors to Upward Mobility and Their Implications for Meritocracy in the United States
Chelsea Davis—Trauma, the Brain, and the Mind-Body Connection
Jacob Snell—The Actual Cost of the Dollar Menu: Empathy, Self-Interest, and the Exploitation of Meatpacking Workers
2nd Place Awards
Emily Byrnes—Thinking Small to Fight Big: Understanding Evolutionary Biology to Help Us Fight Disease
Brenna Chinappi and Nichole Wilkinson—The Impact of Student Government Leadership Positions on the Student Nurse and the Graduate Registered Nurse
Sherinne Cauwels—Intervening Based on Carbon Emissions Violating Human Rights