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Certificate Program

Department:Engineering Technologies

School(s): Applied Sciences & Technologies

MCC Program Code: ETX1
CIP Code: 15.0303
NYSED Code (BRI): 01240

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The Electronics Technology Certificate Program provides an intermediate recognition for those pursuing the A.A.S. degree, as well as for those desiring only special groups of Electronics courses.
(Housed in the Engineering Technologies Department)

Program Learning Outcomes
1.Collect and analyze data associated with an electrical engineering technology project. (PO 1a)
2.Translate engineering designs into projects and test procedures. (PO 1c)
3.Prepare technical reports for an engineering or sales team. (PO 1d)
4.Apply knowledge of electrical engineering technology principles and standards, both hardware and software, to the construction or functioning of electrical/electronics systems. (ETAC-ABET Outcome A)
5.Apply principles of physics or chemistry with mathematical rigor at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry, to problems associated with electronics. (ETAC-ABET Outcome B)
6.Conduct and interpret standard tests and measurements associated with electronics experiments. (ETAC-ABET Outcome C)
7.Conduct experiments applying electronic principles. (ETAC-ABET Outcome C)
8.Analyze experimental data using electronic principles. (ETAC-ABET Outcome C)
9.Identify, analyze and solve electrical engineering technology problems. (ETAC-ABET Outcome E)
10.Communicate effectively regarding narrowly defined electrical engineering technology activities. (ETAC-ABET Outcome F)
11.Identify and discuss issues related to professional development and continuing education and training within the field of electrical engineering technology. (ETAC-ABET Outcome G)
12.Discuss issues associated with electrical engineering professions, including those related to diversity and ethics (ETAC-ABET Outcome H).
13.Demonstrate professional behaviors, which may include timeliness, dedication to quality, or continuous improvement. (ETAC-ABET Outcome I)

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:

Requirements for Program Entrance
MTH 150 ready

Distribution Requirements

Credit Hours
FIRST SEMESTER: 15-16 Credit Hours
TEK 101 Computer Applications for Technicians 2
ELT 111 Introduction to Digital Electronics3
ELT 121 AC/DC Circuit Analysis4
ENG 101 College Composition OR
ENG 200 Advanced Composition OR TEK 145 Career Communications
SECOND SEMESTER: 16-17 Credit Hours
ELT 102 Electric Circuit Analysis II5
ELT 112 Linear Circuits5
SPC 141 Interpersonal Speech Communication 3
MTH 152 Survey of Mathematics for Technicians OR HIGHER** 3-4
*Students who are not MTH 150 ready should take TRS 094 before their first semester at MCC or plan to spend one-to-two additional semesters at MCC to complete their credential(s).

Students intending to transfer directly to a four year school after graduating from MCC should take MTH 175 or higher.

**Students who are not MTH 175 ready should take MTH 164/165 before their first semester at MCC. Students who are not MTH 165 ready should take MTH 104 before their first semester at MCC. Students who are not MTH 104 ready should take MTH 150 or MTH 152